We explore the MRI driven dynamo in a radiatively inefficient accretion flow (RIAF) using the mean field dynamo paradigm.
Using singular value decomposition (SVD) we obtain the least squares fitting dynamo coefficients $\alpha$ and $\gamma$ by comparing the time series of the turbulent electromotive force and the mean magnetic field. Our study is the first one to show the poloidal distribution of these dynamo coefficients in global accretion flow simulations. Surprisingly, we obtain a high value of the turbulent pumping coefficient $\gamma$ which transports the mean magnetic flux radially outward. This would have implications for the launching of magnetised jets which are produced efficiently in presence a large-scale poloidal magnetic field close to the compact object. We present a scenario of a truncated disc beyond the RIAF where a large scale dynamo-generated poloidal magnetic field can aid jet-launching close to the black hole. Magnitude of all the calculated coefficients decreases with radius. Meridional variations of $\alpha_{\phi \phi}$, responsible for
toroidal to poloidal field conversion, is very similar to that found in shearing box simulations using the `test field' (TF) method. By estimating
the relative importance of $\alpha$-effect and shear, we conclude that the
MRI driven large-scale dynamo, which operates at high latitudes
beyond a disc scale height, is essentially of the $\alpha-\Omega$ type.