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3D global ideal MHD simulations of a RIAF

We study the long-term evolution of non-radiative accretion flows using 3D global ideal MHD simulations and a pseudo-Newtonian gravity with three different resolutions. We find that resolving the scale height with 42 grid

points is adequate to obtain convergence with the product of quality factors $\la \la Q_{\theta} \ra \ra \la \la Q_{\phi} \ra \ra \geq 300$ and magnetic tilt angle $\theta_B \sim 13^{\circ}-14^{\circ}$. Like previous global isothermal thin disk simulations, we find stronger mean magnetic fields for the restricted azimuthal domains. Imposing periodic

boundary conditions with the azimuthal extent smaller than $2\pi$ makes the turbulent field at low $m$ appear as a mean field in the runs with smaller azimuthal extent.

But unlike previous works, we do not find a monotonic trend in turbulence with the azimuthal extent. We conclude that the minimum azimuthal extent should be $\geq \pi/2$ to capture the flow structure, but a full $2 \pi$ extent is necessary to study the dynamo.

We find an intermittent dynamo cycle, with $\alpha$-quenching playing an important role in the nonlinear saturated state. Unlike previous local studies, we find almost similar values of kinetic and magnetic $\alpha$-s, giving rise to an irregular distribution of dynamo-$\alpha$.

The effects of dynamical quenching are shown explicitly for the first time in global simulations of accretion flows.

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